International Fair Trade Charter (September)

WFTO celebrates the International Fair Trade Charter as a significant milestone in advancing the principles and values of Fair Trade worldwide. 

The Charter embodies a collective vision that reaffirms the core principles of Fair Trade, including social and economic justice and environmental sustainability. With diverse actors playing actively in the global Fair Trade movement, the Charter serves as the single international reference point for Fair Trade.

It has three main aims: 

1. To support the work of Fair Trade Enterprises in raising awareness among consumers and citizens of the importance and impact of Fair Trade, so that more people will be inspired to join and support it. 
2. To facilitate collaboration among Fair Trade Enterprises by connecting their specific missions and strategies with the common philosophy of the movement. 
3. To enable others who work with Fair Trade Enterprises (in government, academia or the private sector) to recognise the values and approaches that unite the global movement.

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