Artisan Well

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About Us
Artisan Well is a Fair Trade organisation, and it is commited to work with the financially marginalized producers group who are skilled enough but not having proper knowledge to showcase their products, so we give them the platform to display their products and sell it to the overseas buyers, inreturn we are providing them the Fair wage for each and single items, and trying to uplift their economic status , and give them a dignified life, we also beleive in the women empowerment , we try to support the destitute or needy ladies who are financially and personally deprived, but of course our first criteria is having sharp skill towards the job, but yes we do provide on job training to these ladies if they are not proficient enough.

Mission Statement

We believe that the poor artisans of handicraft desreve appreciation for their craftmanship and ofcourse dinity as human beings , by providing them fair wage to their effort, we extremly believe and follow 10 Fair Trade Principles and work accordingly.
Additional Information

Fair Trade Organization

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Selling retail or wholesale

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