4.1 Workers, Producers and Suppliers Overview
Who do you work with? Please provide us with an overview of your Workers, Producers and Suppliers of Fair Trade Products.
Please enter data about Workers, Producers and Suppliers in the relevant tab of the SAR Datasheet, as indicated in the table below.
- Tab “Workers and Employment sites”
Who do you work with? Please provide us with an overview of your Workers, Producers and Suppliers of Fair Trade Products.
Producers of FT Products
- Tab “FT Producers & Suppliers”
This section applies to you if you buy Fair Trade products from suppliers that do not have their own marketing and distribution channels.
Suppliers of FT Products
- Tab “FT Producers & Suppliers”
This section applies to you if you buy Fair Trade products from suppliers that are independent business units and have their own marketing and distribution channels.
For more information on how to distinguish between Workers, Producers and Suppliers, please refer to the Application Guide – you can find the link in the first page of the form, under Reference Documents.
4.2 Products
4.2.1 Non-Fair Trade Products
As a Fair Trade Enterprise you are expected to sell mainly Fair Trade Products and use Fair Trade ingredients. However, a limited portion of your products can be Non-Fair Trade (see Application Guide). In this section, list your non-FT products, where you source them from and provide an explanation as to why you do not source Fair Trade.
Non-FT products cannot be marketed with any reference to “Fair Trade” or WFTO and cannot carry the WFTO Product Label. For more information see the Application Guide.
Please refer to the SAR Datasheet – Tab “Non FT Products”.
4.2.2 Non Fair Trade Raw Materials/Components
This section applies to you if you produce Fair Trade products and use non-Fair Trade components or raw materials. For more information see the Application Guide.
Please fill in this information in the SAR Datasheet – Tab “Non FT Raw Materials”.
Please proceed to step 4 after clicking the update button.
- Parallelweg West 9A, 4104 AX Culemborg, The Netherlands
- +31649086439
If you want to contact any of our staff members (not Board) please write to the First Name (ex: Paul)
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