National Association of Women’s Organisations (NAWOU)

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About Us
The National Association of Women’s Organisations in Uganda (NAWOU) is a leading national umbrella organisation consisting of clusters of grassroots women’s organisations that form themselves into district and regional women’s networks, non-governmental organisations (NGOs), faith-based organisations (FBOs) and women’s professional bodies. We are an alliance of women’s networks found in all the regions of the country, NGOs some of which double as faith-based organisations and women’s professional bodies. Our membership is diverse, spanning with a wide range of issues including governance, leadership development, economic emancipation and justice, education, HIV response, advocacy for the rights of women and development, health, disabilities and other vulnerabilities. We have a strong rural presence and focus, to cater for our rural based target.

Mission Statement

“To promote the growth of a women’s movement through a strong network that advocates for the rights of women in Uganda.”
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Fair Trade Support Organization

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